We have received your order details for your shipment from [szShipperCountryName] to [szConsigneeCountryName].
We have received your order
The shipping process has started. Please see the next steps below, and check your email for further updates.
1. Your order
2. Invoice
We have sent the invoice and booking confirmation to [szBillingEmail]. If you have not received it, please check your spam filter, or contact us by chat or e-mail with your reference [szBookingRef].
3. Payment
Your payment has been successfully received, and the booking confirmed.
4. [szCollection:No=Departure|Yes=Collection]
We will plan to [szCollection:No=receive|Yes=collect] your shipment in [szShipperCountryName][iScheduled:0=.|1= on #szTransportStartDate#.]
5. [szDelivery:No=Arrival|Yes=Delivery]
You can expect your shipment to be [szDelivery:No=ready for collection|Yes=delivered] in [szConsigneeCountryName] [iScheduled:0=within #szTransitTime# days|1=by #szTransportFinishDate#].
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